September 08, 2022
Meet the trainees from each Grierson DocLab In Focus group
Back for the second year, the Grierson DocLab In Focus: Production Management and Editing schemes – both run in partnership with Netflix – now introduce the 16 new trainees

After a successful pilot year, The Grierson Trust is delighted to welcome another two cohorts of trainees across the Grierson DocLab In Focus schemes, run in partnership with Netflix.
The Editing scheme seeks to equip trainees with the storytelling skills and workflow know-how to flourish in the role of documentary Assistant Editor. Our 2022 group have varied backgrounds and different experience in post-production work: some have short form and branded content experience; others are completely self-taught, and some have worked in post-production houses.
Meet the Editing group
The Production Management programme has sought out career-changers; those who have the transferable skillset to make it in the fast-paced and demanding roles in documentary production management. We’ve gathered people from the event management world through to film equipment retail; from diversity and inclusion in banking to musical theatre and seemingly everything in between.
Meeting the Production Management group
Both schemes will commence with intensive training weeks this autumn, with mentorship matches and placements (of up to three months in duration on a Netflix documentary production) starting from November for the Production Management cohort, and January for the editors.
The 2022 cohorts in stats:
- 63% come from outside of London
- 81% are female and 19% male
- 44% have an ethnic background other than white British
- 31% are disabled
Grierson DocLab In Focus 2021
Trainees from the inaugural Grierson DocLab In Focus schemes are now embedded in companies such as 72 Films, Minnow Films and Rogan Productions and working as Assistant Editors at Story Films and The Garden.
Read about Emmie and Kye’s production management experience and Sladana and Sema’s on the editing scheme.